Featured Portfolios
Browse art samples from illustrators, animators, and 3D artists.


Tara Garrigan
Tara creates with the intent to mesmerize and inspire. Her art is generally whimsical, vibrant, imaginative, and always leaves the viewer with a story to contemplate. She works in all mediums but mainly creates in watercolor and ink. More than anything, Tara's work is inspired by her vivid dreams and the mysteries of the universe. She often finds that her most recurring themes are trees, aquatic life, imaginary creatures, and organically-shaped buildings. She also enjoys finding inspiration from other artists around the globe while drinking tea and browsing magazines at the bookstore.

Kevin Frear
Sequential Artist and illustrator
Ok here we go, the bio part of the website...(I'll keep it brief)
I am a graduate of the Savannah College of Art & Design where I majored in Sequential Art. Visual storytelling has always been my passion with a heavy focus on comic books. I have worked on comic book titles such as Popular Comics, Forbidden Gallery, Tales from the Tomb and more. Other freelance projects include album covers, book covers, storyboards, music videos and character designs.
n my day job I play the dual role of graphic designer and video producer/editor.

Luna Stella D
Luna Stella D is an illustrator from Italy and specializes in watercolor and ink.

Jai Delgadillo
I am an animator and artist and specialize in Adobe Character Animator. I was recipient and winner of the " BEST SPARK VIDEO" award in the C & W FILMS contest of Cable & Wireless Panamá. I also won the "LIVE A SOVEREIGN LIFE" contest at the Panalandia Poor Film Festival. I attended the Low Budget Film Workshop at the EICTV International Cinema and Television School in San Antonio de los Baños Cuba.
I have more than 10 years combined experience in audiovisual production. I can't wait to help you bring your characters to life.

Dahlia Karam
Dahlia Karam is currently a senior at Savannah College of Arts and Design in Savannah Georiga.